The core value of Pencils for Africa is the human connection: PFA wants used pencils, which human beings on one side of the planet (America, Europe and so on) have already used and then, we want to allow this opportunity for children in Africa as well – like a relay – whereupon they now also use the same pencil. It is the connection of humanity that drives the pencil drive.
– Karim Ajania, Editor-in-Chief, Mezimbite Magazine

The Awesome Pencil

About a year ago I was contacted by someone here in Oxford who was responsible for arranging teaching for some young American students from a mid-Western college who were spending a term in Oxford. One of them had decided that she wanted to learn about Buddhism (in 6 tutorials). I gave her an appointment and explained what would be involved. Perhaps overawed by the occasion, she responded to each explanation, “Awesome.” As I escorted her out of the building, I pointed to a door: “And here is the washroom.” “Awesome,” she said.

Professor Richard Gombrich, Balliol College, Oxford University

by (a concerned) Karim

I am concerned.

We as a people, as a nation, as a world, are no longer being frugal with our adjectives. We no longer embrace the ethic of frugalis adjectivus (the frugal and sparing use of precious adjective resources).

This should be a cause of grave concern. One adjective in particular stands out as being de-adjectvized and squandered and plundered at an alarming rate all over our precious planet:

Adjective Awesome.

Our own youth are squandering this precious adjective resource within our midst.

They refuse to display any sense of restraint with regard to this beloved adjective. Surely then, this awesome adjective, Adjective Awesome, should be preserved and conserved for optimal use? Englishman G. Patrick Cox has taken up the mantle. Mr. Cox is an adjective activist. He says to us:

Adjective Activist Mr. G. Patrick Cox

The dedicated researchers and investigative journalists at Adjective International are doing remarkable work in unearthing the tragic ramifications of the wanton plunder and squander of our most dear and most beloved friend, Adjective Awesome. We as a global community need to both raise our awareness and activate a return to frugality with which we used to ration and respect this most noble of all adjectives. I plead with you, dear reader: exercise the most abstemious and parsimonious use of this regal, noble, aristocratic adjective, the great, grand Adjective - The ‘Awesome‘. frugalis adjectivus!

I encourage you to listen to Mr. Cox in this video and ponder the fate of our friend, Adjective Awesome:


I remain concerned.
