Pencil Stories

  • Thepoint

    Google Presentation for July 23rd, 2014

    the four presenters for the Google Presentation on Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014   Presentation by Nicolas: ONE PENCIL PER CHILD Nicolas will speak about the One Pencil Per Child program for which he has already prepared a video presentation. Click here to view the video …

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  • The Pencil Tree

    Once upon a borrowed time in the quiet Kandhava Forest by the Yamuna River, there lived a tree who was known by all the other trees as The Pencil Tree. Now – this was a borrowed time, a time borrowed well before History began. This was even before …

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  • Chain2

    The Pencil Gift

    Interview of artist Dalton Ghetti by Karim (photos by Sloan Howard) Forward by Olivia Ramsay Pencil artist and sculpture Dalton M. Ghetti was born in Sao Paolo, Brazil and came to the U.S. in 1985 at age 24. Most of the pencils he uses are …

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  • Brokenpencil

    Breaking Pencils

    by Karim   Twesigye Jackson Kaguri goes by his middle name “Jackson” for convenience. Jackson says he owes everything good and positive and productive in his life to his parents’ willingness to buy and to break pencils: “We were five brothers and sisters. My childhood memories …

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  • Color Pencils

    A career as a Foreign Service Officer posted to the African Continent can range from very bland to very colorful. It can range from pleasant and peaceful to dramatic and dangerous. It all depends which African country the foreign service assignment posting is in and what is occurring within …

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  • ColoredPencils 20110326

    Pencil Dialogues

    by Karim The following is a dialogue between Hava, a color pencil artist who was featured in the article Color Pencils and Lucinda, an art teacher at a primary school in Kent, England, as well as Lucinda’s students: Dear Hava I am a color pencil …

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  • BerolLogo

    Pencil Sketches

    An interview with Johannesburg pencil sketch artist Cathy Gatland Karim: Cathy, I was very intrigued by the sketch series you began a few weeks ago entitled “Salvage Yard” in Honeydew, Johannesburg. As you know, Pencils for Africa is at its core a recycling initiative. We recycle used pencils …

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  • ReesBook

    Artisanal Pencil Sharpening

    by Karim Those of us who value our mind strive to keep it sharp. Should the same not be true for our pencils? That is a point worth making (artisanally) when reading Mr. David Rees‘ book How to Sharpen Pencils: A Practical & Theoretical Treatise …

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