The Team


Jackson - Global Ambassador for Pencils for Africa

breakingpencilsTwesigye Jackson Kaguri 2012CNN hero is the Global Ambassador for Pencils for Africa. In response to the 2012 Pencils for Africa 4th grade conference, Jackson wrote:

As a child I only got a fifth of a pencil but survived to become a successful leader and international author. These 4th graders are planting mustard seeds. Keep up the good job!


Karim with the Pencils for Africa Editorial Team that he mentors

Karim -

Pencils for Africa Founder

Karim was born in Kenya. At age 7 he attended Chiswick and Bedford Park Preparatory School in London, UK. His first CBPPS poetry class was with Mr. Baird who taught him the principle of frugalis creativus. This principle is the foundation and motto of Pencils for Africa. On your left is Karim’s favorite pencil photograph. It is the oldest pencil in the world, found in the roof of a 17th-century German house. It is part of the Faber-Castell private collection. Karim’s hopes to visit the The Pencil Museum in Keswick, UK. He enjoys studying the Pencil Timeline.


Sarah - Creative Director

Sarah grew up in the Bay Area of California and is currently a junior at Skidmore College in New York. She is hoping to come back to the West Coast after finishing her undergraduate interests of Studio Arts and Art History. After working at a special needs school in Dharamsala, India, Sarah was thrilled to join the many contributing individuals of Pencils for Africa to inspire disadvantaged students through her interests in art. Sarah is currently on a semester abroad studying art in Prague, Czech Republic.


Elinor - European School Coordinator

ElinorBreman_0Elinor is an ecologist, environmentalist and academic with a passion for trees. She is a strong believer in recycling and the frugalis creativus motto of Pencils for Africa speaks to her heart.

Elinor gained her D.Phil. from The School of Geography and Environment, Oxford University in 2010.

She is involved with the Student Council at the Lycée International near Paris, France, in their pencil drive and fund raiser for Pencils for Africa.




Nicolas -


Nicolas is the Editor-in-Chief

of the Pencils for Africa website.



Colin -

Deputy Editor

Colin is the Deputy Editor of the Pencils for Africa website.





Lucia -

Assistant Editor

Lucia is an Assistant Editor of the Pencils for Africa website.



CarlyCarly -

Assistant Editor and Secretary

Carly is an Assistant Editor of the Pencils for Africa website

Carly is also the Secretary for all correspondence and information gathering.



Blanche -

Assistant Editor

Blanche is an Assistant Editor of the Pencils for Africa website




BenBen -

Assistant Editor and Project Manager

Ben is an Assistant Editor of the Pencils for Africa website.

Ben is also Project Manager for media activity including podcasts and video.



CharlotteCharlotte -

Assistant Editor

Charlotte is an Assistant Editor of the Pencils for Africa website






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